

Gain an understanding of the postures including, not only the proper form and alignment, but the function and benefits of the poses. Learn how to teach poses using effective and concise cues. During our posture deep dive, you will learn safe alignment, modifications for injury or special condition, physiology, posture variations and counter-poses. This module will be specific to the style you choose – either Vinyasa or the Bikram-method (26 poses).


We will take a brief exploration through the History of Yoga answering the questions – where did your yoga come from, and how was this practice passed down through time? We’ll explore the major yoga lineages, as well as Yoga Philosophy - examining the 8 Limb Path and focusing on the first two limbs – the Yamas and Niyamas. We will discuss and reflect on the why of yoga practice – what human problems did this ancient philosophy mean to address and how can we apply it to our lives today?


Developing a strong foundation in anatomy will serve you in in your yoga practice and in your teaching – understanding how to build stability and strength to support your joints within the poses and how to guide students safely through their practice. We will cover the basics of anatomical language and movement and dive deeper into the anatomy of muscles and fascia. We will explore which muscles support each posture as well as the limitations and anatomical differences to be aware of in each posture. You will gain a deeper understanding of the human body and learn to speak the language of anatomy.


We will explore the pathways that are not visible to our physical eyes but are significant aspects of the practice of yoga, as well as the experience of being human. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the chakra system, including how the koshas relate to it and how to find more balance in each of the chakras through pranayama, mudras, asanas, and meditation. The information is taught in a way that is practical and accessible to new and seasoned students alike.


We will explore Pranyama – breath control – how this autonomic behavior can be strengthened and focused through exercise and utilized to expand our yoga practice and our general physical/mental health. We start with simple breath work and continue our exploration of more advanced breath exercises to delve deeper into the layers of breath –improving overall health and resilience and discovering the mental strength gained through breath awareness and control.


Whether you are studying Vinyasa or Hot 26, we will spend plenty of time preparing you to get in front of a group and teach. We will look in-depth at the language of teaching – including the English and Sanskrit words that will help you articulate critical information to the student. We honor each lineage, using traditional dialogue and methodology for each. We will focus, for each method, on artfully and thoughtfully teaching a class, whether it be through creative and purposeful sequencing in a flow or effective dialogue in the Hot 26.


Restorative yogis rejoice! Lean into this stillness practice and discover the relationship muscles, bones, and joints have with energetic anatomy. We always have a handful of trainees who lean toward meditation, restorative and yin yoga. Our training supports this offering! immensely!


We all have something to say. The entire training is about helping you find your voice to effectively communicate as a teacher and in other facets of your life as well. How you use your vocal instrument (timber, tone, rhythm, inflection) will be the vehicle to guide your students through their practice.


Teaching yoga is both fulfilling and fun but with that comes a great responsibility to the students and community. We will discuss ethical behavior and how to hold space and boundaries with your students and others. The professional side of yoga is another aspect of the “job” that we will explore and offer advice and practical ways to navigate the business of yoga – from work as a teacher in a studio, to offering private yoga, to studio ownership and building your business.


Ready to step outside your comfort zone?! We are here for you! You will conclude with your very own class complete with all the elements you want to bring in and nothing you don’t. This is your blank canvas to create and let your authentic voice shine!